Friday, September 9, 2016

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Monday, September 5, 2016

Saturday, September 3, 2016

9/3/2016 - Once You Get Started...Don't Stop

Wow!  It's been almost 3 months since I posted on this page.  I have been traveling hard to create and travel at the same time.

I got my copies of Bunny and Hare and Tales of Bunny and Hare by Michael Brackett.  Both books contain illustrations by me.  "The Hug" on the cover Tales of Bunny and Hare is mine.

Michael Brackett was pretty instrumental in me finding out how to publish my own stuff on Create Space, a free, print on demand site (tied to Amazon).

So, getting back to coloring.  We were recently camped on the McCloud River, fishing, hiking and photographing.  I found this one wild plum left dangling.  Instead of picking it, I photographed it and then colored it.  I call it Plum Hug.  My mom used to make Wild Plum Jam.  It so reminded me of her.
