Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Hoppy Easter 2016

Maybe bunnies are my new totem
as I am working on sketches for
a second children's book by 
Michael H. Brackett.  This bunny
was an Easter visitation. W

Wet Manzanita Flowers 2016

A compilation of two of my favorite
photos from Gateway Trail.
Ringing in Springtime in Mt. Shasta. W
From a compilation of 2 photos from Gateway Trail.

Gratitude Bridge 2016

Where I was born.
Where I live, work and play.
For my people. For my faith.
I give gratitude. W

Use of Imagination Equal Creation

I liked the simple look of the
single set of tire tracks.
It morphed into it's own
personality. W


Real friends hold you up.
Support your goals and choices
to the best of their ability.
Hold you down when you
want to run off and do something
stupid. My groovy girl friends are
always on my mind. Being children 
of the 60's and 70's they are on my 
mind in tekneycolor. W

Valentine for Mine

There were hearts flying everywhere
during Valentine's season.
If win, place or show, this
was the place. For my beloved GW. 

A Maze of Hearts Morphs Into More Amazing Hearts

Valentine always bring hearts to mind.
What is better than one heart? 
Many hearts.

Friday, March 4, 2016

A Get Well Card from Mt. Shasta 2016

A self-challenge created Mt. Shasta with Taiko (MSwT1).  An ailing friend created a new challenge.  These images are all a get well card to Michael Z.  He is getting well.