Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Graven Image Photo, Imitation Is The Best Form of Flattery.

My friend Tony posted a photo of  Mount Shasta
with a cloud that mimicked a shape of the mountain.
Well, I stole it and did a stylized art piece from it.
Now some lady says she might make a stained
glass piece from my art piece.  Isn't that fun!
Inspiration at it's finest.


Make your own fun.  It's so easy just to
listen to friends talk, then make something
of their talk.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Apple blossom - Mt. Shasta

A cheerful pink Apple blossom - Mt. Shasta

Tiger Lily - McCloud River

A happy Tiger Lily on the McCloud River

Indian Paint Brush - Mt. Shasta

Why ever would I pick something so hard to sketch?
Indian Paint Brush - Bear Springs - Mt. Shasta

Periwinkle - Growing Wild in Magalia CA

Periwinkle - Magalia, CA

Hummingbird Hibiscus - McCloud

Hummingbird Hibiscus over the neighbors fence - McCloud

Cosmic Cosmos, Lassen Lane, Mt. Shasta

Cosmic Cosmos - Mt. Shasta

Manzanita Flowers on the Gateway Trail Mt. Shasta

Manzanita on the Gateway Trail

Bright Rosehips in McCloud

 Three bright rosehips at the McCoud Golf Course

Cheery Red Chinese Poppy

A cheery red poppy on Lake Siskiyou Trail

Friday, September 9, 2016

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Monday, September 5, 2016

Saturday, September 3, 2016

9/3/2016 - Once You Get Started...Don't Stop

Wow!  It's been almost 3 months since I posted on this page.  I have been traveling hard to create and travel at the same time.

I got my copies of Bunny and Hare and Tales of Bunny and Hare by Michael Brackett.  Both books contain illustrations by me.  "The Hug" on the cover Tales of Bunny and Hare is mine.

Michael Brackett was pretty instrumental in me finding out how to publish my own stuff on Create Space, a free, print on demand site (tied to Amazon).

So, getting back to coloring.  We were recently camped on the McCloud River, fishing, hiking and photographing.  I found this one wild plum left dangling.  Instead of picking it, I photographed it and then colored it.  I call it Plum Hug.  My mom used to make Wild Plum Jam.  It so reminded me of her.


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

6/8/2016 Top Of Quincy.

I could walk to the end of our street
for this view of Mt. Shasta. 
The top of Quincy Street in McCloud.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

6/7/2016 Building Excitement - Mount Shasta with Lacey Lenticular Cloud

I never get tired of looking at Mt. Shasta.
I realize it is our source of water.
I call it an upside down aquifer.
It is also a source of mystery,
spirituality, wonder, solace
and recreation.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The World Is Better With Daily Ukulele! 2016

My TBGCB offerings start with either an original photo, 
or a thought (inspiration).  Then I pencil sketch them.  
Once complete with the sketch, I line them in and erase 
the pencil marks.  I then scan and color them on computer.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

What Would A Weekend Be With Out New He-Art (Heart McCloud)

My home town - McCloud, California.  
Excellent views of Mt. Shasta from there. 
Here is one incorporated in to a new art work.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Happy Mother's Day in Heaven Raine!

There is no reason NOT to celebrate
my Mom on Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day Raine!!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Apple Blossoms of April Become Art 2016

What do you get for a friend who has everything and needs nothing? A home made birthday card of course!  Happy Birthday to all my April baby friends...and May! W
From a photo of apple blossoms on Carolyn Street.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Hoppy Easter 2016

Maybe bunnies are my new totem
as I am working on sketches for
a second children's book by 
Michael H. Brackett.  This bunny
was an Easter visitation. W

Wet Manzanita Flowers 2016

A compilation of two of my favorite
photos from Gateway Trail.
Ringing in Springtime in Mt. Shasta. W
From a compilation of 2 photos from Gateway Trail.