Friday, September 3, 2021

2020 Colorbook Success - The Natural Fishermen of Siskiyou County

 We walked on pins and needles for this year 2020.  Social distance was a hard space to keep.  Our fun-raising campaign at Mt. Shasta Sisson Museum was done over ZOOM.   It was a successful campaign.  I had a lot of fun working with the staff to make it a good one with bright art.   I realized I had drawn 8 animal mascots and needed only 2 more to make a 10 page color book.  I spoke with Mt. Shasta Fish Hatchery personnel who gave me two more ideas and everything came together for Edition 7 of my color book series "The Natural Fishermen of Siskiyou County".  Here is the cover.

Friday, October 23, 2020

A Mountain In Our Back Yard, #6 (VI) of The Big Girl Color Book Series

 "Have you published anything lately?"  My husband asked.  I had not.  I started looking at some of my current artwork and figured out I could publish a new color book.  "A Mountain In Our Back Yard", number 6 in my color book series is available now on Amazon.  View of Mount Shasta from my back yard, Siskiyou County.  Hope you have a chance to take a look.

Friday, March 9, 2018

March 2018 - Colorings from my new color book

The Birthday Flower Coloring Book - March 2018 Launch

March 2018 - My fourth color book is complete and available for purchase.  This idea came to mind when I was making a card for my brother in law and good friend Kim, both May babies.  The Birthday Flower Coloring Book is available at the big online juggernautstarting with A.  Look for author W. A. Welbourn

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Friday, March 31, 2017

Monarch on Manzanita from Back Over The Hill To McCloud - Colorbook III 3/31/17

I used a new art program for this coloring. I am not fully used to it but this looks good.  Love those butterflies!!  Happy coloring!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Cover for new color book with images of Mt. Shasta from Ski Park, McCloud and further East.

All my sketches are complete.  I realized I did not have a good photo to drop the title of my new color book in to so I had to do one more sketch.  I am not sure what the title will be but the sketchs are all from Ski Park and further east.  I wanted to do one book for my home town of McCloud.  Title to Follow.  All about home!